How to make your own aftershave and cost saving shaving ideas
I don't know if you ladies have the same problem as us guys, but those little razors with 20 blades, vibrating moisture enhancer, are aerodynamic, and disposable are EXPENSIVE. I used to buy my razors online here:
Razors on AmazonThen I looked at safety razors.
I actually even asked for one of the safety razors for Christmas a while back. I did like the shave and the blades are cheap, but after a year or 2 using this razor, the honeymoon was over. It was always an issue to bring it on a trip. The blade is not covered and since it is double sided there was no effective way to shield the blade. The twist bottom was getting very stiff making it hard to adjust the blades. The threads to tighten down the top was getting fouled and not aligning properly anymore. Don't get me wrong I loved using it but it was rapidly getting to be more hassle than it was worth.
So after I broke the razor one day, I thought to myself "SELF, what would your grandfather or great-grandfather have used?" The answer is a straight razor. They are something that literally can be passed down for generations AND, if taken care of and used properly, actually can give a better shave than the expensive 5 blade rip-offs.
I searched high and low, across the whole internet for a good deal to try out. I couldn't bring myself to try this new way of shaving with a 300.00 razor. Afterall what if I really didn't like the shave, or it was too time consuming. Then I found Larry Andreassen from Whipped Dog Razors.
He sells reconditioned and re honed razors and best part is he is local to me. Just down in Arlington Texas. I love supporting our local businesses and Texas companies. I emailed him and asked him all about shaving with a straight razor, and what services he could provide. He was Johnny on the Spot and really did help me with my decision to make the jump. I bought one of his sight unseen razors and was very pleased when it arrived. Not only did I save money but it was a bit of nostalgia that would get a second life.
I wanted to talk to Larry for this blog and asked him how he got started, why he does what he does, and how he sees is company saving everyone money. We all would love to save money, right?
He was kind enough to give me this quick interview.
I view Whipped Dog Straight Razors more as a service than a business. How can I best help others try straight razors and wet shaving most cheaply, but still have a great experience? And, that is what I try to do.
Site Motto: Straight razors are cleaned before sale, but not much more. This is done to keep sale prices as low as possible. "All corners are cut to reduce price, but not the corners that will degrade your shave experience." That is my promise. The razor... cleaned. The edge... elegantly shave ready!
That cutting corners part, selling razors with blades that weren't shiny and svelte for example, that flew in the face of the philosophy held by some on the shaving forums. But, if I buff and polish, does it improve the shave? No. It only runs up the cost.
Site Motto: Straight razors are cleaned before sale, but not much more. This is done to keep sale prices as low as possible. "All corners are cut to reduce price, but not the corners that will degrade your shave experience." That is my promise. The razor... cleaned. The edge... elegantly shave ready!
That cutting corners part, selling razors with blades that weren't shiny and svelte for example, that flew in the face of the philosophy held by some on the shaving forums. But, if I buff and polish, does it improve the shave? No. It only runs up the cost.
Summarizing, I run Whipped Dog like the mom and pops stores from my childhood, run by folk who knew everyone else in town and gave everyone a good deal. I think of Whipped Dog, to use another analogy, like a pot-bellied stove business. Ceiling fans, Nehi grape soda, checkered pattern tablecoths, cistern water in a bucket with dipper, and dogs yapping happily in the moonlight!
Whipped Dog is a business. But, it is more a labor of nostalgia and pleasure for me."
Whipped Dog is a business. But, it is more a labor of nostalgia and pleasure for me."
If you would like to learn more about his company or how he got the company name, look here: Whipped Dog About Page . Give him a shot and I know you will be impressed. And thanks again Larry.
So here I was with a new razor set, plenty of YouTube time figuring out how not to slit my own throat. I figured out pretty quickly the after shaving portion of this endeavor would be just as important, if not more important, than the pre shave or actual shaving portion. My skin needed some conditioning and aftershave. I went to the store to check out the latest high fashion after shave at Ulta and found that it was $40.00 for just the aftershave. If I bought this I would definitely NOT be living frugally. So back to the ole Google. I found that it was VERY simple to make your own after shave. A bit of Witch Hazel, bit of your favorite rum or bourbon, and some essential oil for scent, and VOILA, a cheap and honestly great smelling aftershave.
So here is the recepie for my homemade aftershave. Jim Beam Bourbon, Thayers - Rose Petal Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera Alcohol-Free Toner - 12 oz.
, A decorative bottle
, and some Essential Oils
. Mix the Adult Beverage and the witch hazel 1 to 1. Add a few drops of your favorite oil or oils and that is it. It will mellow in smell over the next 25 days but you can use immediately. Your face will smell great and fell even better. Total cost for the bottle you see in the above picture? Three buck, THREE, not 10 not 20, Three. Now that is what I call saving some money. Less than 10 percent of what the comparable in store brand would cost.
So that is it. I didn't slit my own throat, I have a great shave from a local company, I smell good, and well I just feel better about saving money while shaving. Give it a try. One less thing to empty our pocketbooks. Let me know what you do to save money on shaving in the comment sections below.
Gary McCoy is Broker and Owner of Tartan Real Estate Services in DFW Texas. Broker license number 0588837. Any opinions in this article are just that, opinions. If you have any specific questions or concerns please contact us at 877-498-7323
It smells good too!